What is the address that you’d like to send Flowers or Gifts to?

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Contact Us

The Wild Rose
Email: florists@thewildrose.co.nz
Phone: 09 262 2509
Location: Suite 6, 254 Great South Road, Takanini

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Frequently Asked Questions

When will my order be delivered? 

If you selected our Auckland Same Day delivery service your order should be delivered on your nominated day any time between 12 - 7pm. If you've advised that this is a business address the delivery should occur before 5pm. If our couriers are having trouble delivering to your supplied address they will contact you or the recipient on the phone number provided. If they are unable to contact you, they will hold on to the delivery and reattempt delivery once this can be organised. Please refer to your tracking details for up-to-date information. 

If you have selected our overnight courier your order should be delivered on your nominated day, however this may be impacted if NZ Post are experiencing any delays. Please click here for NZ Post updates. 

What if I need to change something?

If you need to update your order please contact our florists on 09 262 2509 or at florists@thewildrose.co.nz. Please have your order number handy when contacting our florists with updates. 

I've got some concerns over the quality of my order.

If you're concerned about your order please contact us on 09 262 2509 or florists@thewildrose.co.nz. Please take photos of the flowers or product in question so we can review and assess the issue.